Zen and Recovery

Help in Recovery

Some members of the Silky Oak Zen Community, offer peer support for people who are suffering because of addiction problems, substance abuse, depression, stress, burnout, or other forms of obsessive behaviour. We offer a learning space for those who would like to work on relieving their stresses and anxieties. In a large sense we are all in recovery and from this position of recovery, our practice lies in awakening the heart of wisdom and compassion. This heart is our own true heart—the essence of peace, harmony and joy—and it is not separate from the heart of all beings.

We are currently researching a list of helpful resources and will provide future reviews. The following have been located at The Buddhist Recovery Network (BRN).

See also:

Doug C. - A Buddhist’s Insight into the 12 Steps of Recovery 

San Francisco Zen Center - 9 Essays
Buddhism & The 12 Step Model of Recovery...  Read more >>

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